Italian Users

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Italian Users

Postby MarkRussell » Thu Apr 03, 2014 5:53 pm

The Italian Exchange is due to launch on Tuesday 8th April.
On this date Italian Users (that is a Betfair Username that is registered to an Italian address) will no longer be able to log in via API software that is using APIv6 which Betting Assistant is currently using.

Going forward Italian users will be able to log in via the new API-NG but there are strict regulations in place and we will need to code a version of Betting Assistant to use API-NG and meet the necessary regulations.
At this time I don't have a specific date for when this will be done.

There are very strict rules in the regulation about filtering so API-NG services will be filtered according to account jurisdiction, i.e.:
* An International Customer logging in and using API-NG will only see and be able to bet on international markets and not Italian ones.

* An Italian Customer logging in and using API-NG will only see and be able to bet on Italian markets and not international ones.

* A customer who is legally allowed to access both must have two separate accounts and login and make calls with each, we cannot have a single account that can access both the international exchange and the Italian one – this is a regulatory requirement.

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italian account

Postby qogiampi » Fri Apr 04, 2014 12:39 pm

you can move the remaining days in another account? Thank you.
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Re: italian account

Postby MarkRussell » Sun Apr 06, 2014 11:41 am

qogiampi wrote:you can move the remaining days in another account? Thank you.

Yes, please email with the account names that you wish to transfer from and to.

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