Selection loader

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Selection loader

Postby 813615 » Fri Jul 16, 2021 6:45 pm

Hi guys, i've been using the loader where you simply put in your selections, the odds and back or lay however i'm finding any selections after around line 45 do not trigger the bet, tried having a look but can't fathom and not the best with excell, can anyone help, its the loader in this link viewtopic.php?f=8&t=3557 or does anyone have an updated one please?
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Re: Selection loader

Postby Captain Sensible » Fri Jul 16, 2021 8:06 pm

If you look at the formulas in columns Z onwards the Vlookup formula is only checking the selection sheet down to row 50, the bit in the formula showing as Selections!$A$2:$E$50


You just need to amend that Selections!$A$2:$E$50 to however far you want it to go, so say down to row 100 you'd amend it to Selections!$A$2:$E$100

To do that , open the sheet and press Control and H together, that will open up the Find and Replace box, ine find what stick Selections!$A$2:$E$50 in the replace with box put Selections!$A$2:$E$250 then press the "Replace all" button
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Re: Selection loader

Postby 813615 » Fri Jul 16, 2021 8:27 pm

Brilliant mate thank you very much, will sort in the morning, much appreciated....
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