End First Half second half begins

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End First Half second half begins

Postby gaspare.vigliani » Sun Sep 03, 2023 1:56 pm

Hi Gary,
Is it possible to know the exact moment when the first half of a football match ends and the second half begins?

Thank You
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Re: End First Half second half begins

Postby Captain Sensible » Sun Sep 03, 2023 8:29 pm

Can use first half goals,score etc for when the first half ends as those markets get suspended the settled . No indicators to see when second half starts though. Guess best option is simply add 15 minutes to the first half end time. Can then use some code to monitor the odds to check they're decaying as expected if you want some back up check.
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Re: End First Half second half begins

Postby gaspare.vigliani » Wed Sep 06, 2023 3:04 pm

To use the First Half Score I would have to retrieve the Id code and continuously open that market to see when it closes. For the second advice, it cannot be applied except in a very approximate way. The first half doesn't last 45 minutes and therefore I would always find myself closing the first half early and always opening the second half early.
Thanks anyway for the reply.
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Re: End First Half second half begins

Postby Captain Sensible » Wed Sep 06, 2023 4:36 pm

At the end of the day you're gonna have to use some external data to find when the first half ends and Betfair are very good at closing those half time markets of which there are plenty.

As for the second half I was suggesting you add 15 minutes to the first half end time not 15 minutes to 45. So if the First half ends 15:50 you'd assume the second half started 16:05. The officals are pretty strict keeping to that 15 minute break between halfs.

Your only other options are looking for opta feeds or twitter, both of which are probaly more hassle than using Betfair's half time markets.
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Re: End First Half second half begins

Postby Captain Sensible » Wed Sep 06, 2023 4:37 pm

And you'd really only need to be scraping those first half markets after 45 was up.

If you find better ways don't forget to post as I'm sure plenty of others are also looking to crack that second half dilemma.
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