Record sp odds just before the off

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Record sp odds just before the off

Postby 813615 » Mon Sep 13, 2021 7:51 pm

Hi all
Is there anyway I could record the odds for each horse at say 1 minute from the official start time into a column?
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Re: Record sp odds just before the off

Postby vanbuuts » Tue Sep 14, 2021 5:25 pm

Tried something before but was never that reliable. I’m interested in the odds at 10 mins before and post time and get them from here each day if you miss a day you can just grab the previous days from the archive. They have the odds at 1m before the off published too
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Re: Record sp odds just before the off

Postby Captain Sensible » Tue Sep 14, 2021 6:38 pm

Plenty of examples littered around the site as it gets asked quite a lot, guess a lot depends on your level of excel as you'd need to use VBA to do it. But realistically copying one column to another is little more than something as simple as

Code: Select all

And the time to the off is sent to cell D2
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Re: Record sp odds just before the off

Postby 813615 » Tue Sep 14, 2021 7:04 pm

Thanks guys, i've manage to crack it to register odds at any given time before the off using an old post but do you know if you could apply the same criteria but instead of using the time function for cell D2 could it register the BSP using the 'In Play' which is in cell E2? so basically i get the actual SP odds rather than odds at the official start time? if so what do i need to write in the formula? I'm self taught on excel using you tube so not expert but can get by, I'll also keep checking over historic posts...
Thanks again
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Re: Record sp odds just before the off

Postby Captain Sensible » Wed Sep 15, 2021 1:37 pm

I'm assuming you're already exporting the BSP to excel as an additional column so not sure why you'd need to record it when the market goes inplay as that column will remain static showing the exact BSP anyway. And if you just want a recod of the day's BSP's it's much easier just to download them the next morning from the Betfair's data site
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Re: Record sp odds just before the off

Postby Captain Sensible » Wed Sep 15, 2021 1:43 pm

But if you need to do it for some reason all you need to do is replace the code that you use with D2 with one for E2

so say change
Code: Select all
If Range("D2").Value <= TimeValue("00:01:00") Then


End If


Code: Select all
If Range("E2").Value = "In Play" Then


End If

Without knowing what actual code you're using it's hard to second guess and advise but reallistacally it's just amending one line if you already have working code for a time condition.
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Re: Record sp odds just before the off

Postby 813615 » Wed Sep 15, 2021 3:58 pm

Thanks again for your reply, in a nutshell i'm trying to place a bet at 50% of the SP if certain conditions are met, this is where I've done all my back testing so would like to mirror like for like. I managed to pinch a formula that seem to work but is set to copy the last traded price at 00:00:01 from the off however the odds move between this and going in play so wanted something that basically copied whatever the SP odds were as it went in play so I could also use another column to bet if this reduced to 50%? I've tried to have a go with a similar formula as last traded price but using cell F5 however the odds move once in play and i want to freeze whatever the price is once it goes in play if that makes sense?
I've never used VBA so clueless with this however the formula i copied from another post (copying the last traded price to cell AA5) was:
Many thanks again for coming back
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Re: Record sp odds just before the off

Postby Captain Sensible » Wed Sep 15, 2021 10:03 pm

Are you sending the BSP to excel as an additional column. Once the market goes in play that figure is set at the BSP and won't change throughout the race so there's no need to copy it. You can just compare against that column in your formula no need to copy it.
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Re: Record sp odds just before the off

Postby 813615 » Thu Sep 16, 2021 7:43 am

Yes mate, that's what i'm trying to do so, the formula mentioned above works OK but only does it by a time value, I.E one minute or second before the official off however i'm trying to get the actual BSP as odds move from official start to BSP??
Many thanks again
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Re: Record sp odds just before the off

Postby Captain Sensible » Thu Sep 16, 2021 11:15 am

The BSP column holds the actual BSP value once the race starts. At the start of the race the BSP gets reconciled and is then a fixed value in the BSP column and the race indicator turns in play.
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Re: Record sp odds just before the off

Postby 813615 » Fri Sep 17, 2021 2:26 pm

Thank you mate, i think I've sorted it with your help, much appreciated.
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