Pre race set up

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Pre race set up

Postby Sussexguy44 » Thu Oct 14, 2021 9:51 am


I am new to the automation side of things. I have set up a new lay system and the triggers are in place. I have also set up the system to work at 3 mins before the off on each race. Do I need to do anything to ensure that the system will automatically scroll through the races selected in my quick pick list? How do I know that the system wont continue in play?

Any help would be welcome.

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Re: Pre race set up

Postby Captain Sensible » Thu Oct 14, 2021 10:44 am

There are options to auto select the market a set time from the off when logging to excel. Basically it looks at the times in the quick pick list and uses those.

To stop in play you'd just need to include another condition in your trigger to not bet if D2 = "In Play"
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Re: Pre race set up

Postby Captain Sensible » Thu Oct 14, 2021 10:46 am

On my phone so not at my pc but they're options on the top menu somewhere or if linking using the via the excel quick link it's an option in that menu to set the time before the off each market is selected
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Re: Pre race set up

Postby Sussexguy44 » Thu Oct 14, 2021 10:59 am

Thanks for your reply,

Would you know how I set up this trigger. At present the formula is =IF(AC6=3,"LAY",""). I guess I need to put a formula in the came cell only saying yes to the lay if E2 states "not in play". Any thoughts would be welcome.
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Re: Pre race set up

Postby Captain Sensible » Thu Oct 14, 2021 11:14 am

You just change the AC=3 to AND(AC=3,$E$2="Not In Play") so

=IF(AND(AC=3,$E$2="Not In Play") ,"LAY","")

Typing on my phone at the moment so check it works before going live
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Re: Pre race set up

Postby Sussexguy44 » Thu Oct 14, 2021 2:11 pm


Thanks again this worked with the addition of a 6 after AC. Thanks. The ongoing challenge I have is that I set up 6/7 races in Quick Pick list with an instruction that the trigger will action itself 6 mins before the off. Sadly this does not seem to happen on every race as the set up does not automatically move to the next race. Not sure how to do this?? I have ticked "quick Pick reload triggers select first market"
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Re: Pre race set up

Postby Captain Sensible » Fri Oct 15, 2021 2:15 pm

If you're using the excel multiple sheets quick link you'd enter the time to load markets when setting the intial link up as below by setting the time in the Auto Select Minutes Before Off box

Untitled.png (12.27 KiB) Viewed 8496 times

If you don't use that to link to excel then you set the auto select from the top menu as below

Untitled11.png (13.42 KiB) Viewed 8496 times
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Re: Pre race set up

Postby Sussexguy44 » Sun Oct 24, 2021 5:49 pm


Thanks again. I now use the Quick Pick List and set at 5 min auto selection. There are times when the auto selection does not work; it just stays on the previous race. It there a known reason for this? Di I need to enter another trigger or the clear function?

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Re: Pre race set up

Postby Captain Sensible » Sun Oct 24, 2021 9:24 pm

What do you mean by using "the Quick Pick List".

Do you mean the Excel Quick Link? If so you'd have to make sure the excel sheet was opened using the Excel Quick Link. No extra triggers need to be entered as the program handles the market switching and just uses the off times from the markets in the quick pick list. Only reason I imagine it could freeze is if you have some vba on the sheet that's frozen due to an error and stopped the connection between BA and excel
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