Setting VBA using Time before a race starts.

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Re: Setting VBA using Time before a race starts.

Postby Captain Sensible » Tue Nov 09, 2021 7:32 pm

Sussexguy44 wrote:Re Previous, the trigger formula does not work just now.

By trigger formula do you mean your formula in column AE or the trigger formula in column Q? Both look simple enough formulas and if anything could all be combined in the Q column or add $E$2="Not In Play" to your AE formula to tidy things up

Code: Select all
=IF(AND($D$2<=TIMEVALUE("00:00:30"),AB5>=4,$E$2="Not In Play"),"1","0")


= IF(AE5=1,"BACK","")

Easiest way to try and check for errors is just to unlink your excel sheet from BA and put in figures manually to try and find where the error is occuring, like I mentioned earlier BA sends the time to D2 as text when the off time has been passed and is negative. So your trigger wouldn't play after 00:00:00. If you want to play in that time after the scheduled off time you can use the function ISTEXT($D$2) to check for negative times. So if you wanted your formula to check all the way up to the off time (when D2 may be negative and text) you could use

OR($D$2<=TIMEVALUE("00:00:30"),ISTEXT($D$2)) instead of $D$2<=TIMEVALUE("00:00:30")
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Re: Setting VBA using Time before a race starts.

Postby Captain Sensible » Tue Nov 09, 2021 7:36 pm

Your other option is stripping the start time out of A1 and using that in your formulas if you don't want to use ISTEXT(). No idea why Gruss sends it as text rather than a negative time but there must be some good reason.
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Re: Setting VBA using Time before a race starts.

Postby Sussexguy44 » Fri Nov 12, 2021 3:57 pm

Above two challenges sorted, thanks for all previous help.
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Re: Setting VBA using Time before a race starts.

Postby Sussexguy44 » Mon Nov 22, 2021 7:27 pm

If WorksheetFunction.IsText(.Range("D2").Value) = False And (IsEmpty(Range("AA5").Value) Or WorksheetFunction.IsText(.Range("AA5").Value)) Then
If .Range("D2").Value <= TimeValue("00:10:00") Then
.Range("AA5:AA" & lastRow).Value = .Range("Z5:Z" & lastRow).Value

I have the above working well. I want to add an additional instruction

.Range("AM5:AM" & lastRow).Value = .Range("F5:F" & lastRow).Value

Essentially I am looking to copy the odds at 10 mins before the race over to a cell as a value. Im not sure about where I put the If and then words?
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Re: Setting VBA using Time before a race starts.

Postby brumbie » Tue Nov 23, 2021 10:20 am

You don't. As it is the same time simply copy and paste that last line of formula underneath ie:

If WorksheetFunction.IsText(.Range("D2").Value) = False And (IsEmpty(Range("AA5").Value) Or WorksheetFunction.IsText(.Range("AA5").Value)) Then
If .Range("D2").Value <= TimeValue("00:10:00") Then
.Range("AA5:AA" & lastRow).Value = .Range("Z5:Z" & lastRow).Value
.Range("AM5:AM" & lastRow).Value = .Range("F5:F" & lastRow).Value
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Re: Setting VBA using Time before a race starts.

Postby brumbie » Tue Nov 23, 2021 10:29 am

Also, further up the code under:
.Range("AA5:AA" & lastRow).ClearContents

also paste

.Range("AM5:AM" & lastRow).ClearContents
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Re: Setting VBA using Time before a race starts.

Postby Sussexguy44 » Thu Nov 25, 2021 5:54 pm

Thanks for this, all working well.
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