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About our Products

The in-running betting game is all about speed.

Those who react fastest will get the best prices.

That’s why Gruss Software offers you one-click efficiency that could be the difference between getting the price you’re after or missing out (and we all know how frustrating that can be!).

Gruss offers Betfair Betting Assistant and Betdaq Assistant software to remove the time-consuming steps that delay your money hitting the market, giving you the crucial edge in your backing and laying strategies.

One click and your bet is placed.

Built-in flexibility allows you to preset stakes; you can set different amounts for backing and laying, even different amounts for different prices.

You control it the way you want and you can customise it to suit your preferences (we’ve yet to meet two in-running betters who approach their betting in exactly the same way!).

And, even though our software allows you to place bets in a different way, it interacts smoothly with your existing Betfair or Betdaq accounts.

We’ve listened to our clients over the years to add the extra bits of functionality we know you’ll find useful.

"Your software has turned me from a loser into a winner."