Bot Failing because Quicklist not updating

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Bot Failing because Quicklist not updating

Postby GoTheBunnies » Thu Jul 07, 2022 2:14 am

Hi guys - I run an Excel bot on Australian greys that I set to run with all my selections each morning.

Most days, Betfair haven't got all the markets up that my selections are running in when I set the bot - they put 1 or 2 up later in the day. Accordingly, my Quickpick list in Gruss has some missing markets as well. When the bot gets to those markets later in the day it falls over because it can't see them in the List.

How do I get the Quickpick list to update automatically when those markets become available later in the day?

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Re: Bot Failing because Quicklist not updating

Postby MollyMoo » Sun Aug 07, 2022 10:37 am

What I did was to set up a couple of cells in Excel to hold the hours in 24 hour format I'd like to update the Quick Pick List.

On opening the workbook VBA sets an Application.OnTime event to the first of the times. The subroutine called by the OnTime event puts -3 in Cell Q2 (reload the QPL according to your settings) and resets the Application.OnTime event to the second time. On the next call the subroutine resets the Application.Ontime event back to the first time. That way the bot can run 24/7 if needed.
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Re: Bot Failing because Quicklist not updating

Postby xraymitch » Sat Aug 13, 2022 9:37 pm

Nice one. :idea:
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The strength of Gruss Software is that it’s been designed by one of you, a frustrated sports punter, and then developed by listening to dozens of like-minded enthusiasts.

Gruss is owned and run by brothers Gary and Mark Russell. Gary discovered Betfair in 2004 and soon realised that using bespoke software to place bets was much more efficient than merely placing them through the website.

Gary built his own software and then enhanced its features after trialling it through other Betfair users and reacting to their improvement ideas, something that still happens today.

He started making a small monthly charge so he could work on it full-time and then recruited Mark to help develop the products and Gruss Software was born.

We think it’s the best of its kind and so do a lot of our customers. But you can never stand still in this game and we’ll continue to improve the software if any more great ideas emerge.