modification of back/lay prices

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modification of back/lay prices

Postby Mistermind » Wed Nov 29, 2023 12:35 am

BA displays in one row for each horse:
3 Back prices (lets call them boxes A, B, C),
then BSP box,
then 3 LAY prices (lets call them boxes D, E, F).

I suggest for BA logic enhancement to present to the user three new BACK PRICE MODIFICATION boxes A' B' C'

If integer value of plus 3 is keyed into modification box C', then when user leftclicks box C (showing the momentary value of 1.98) a bid will be submitted to Betfair quoting box C price of 1.98 stepped upwards 3 Betfair-valid basis points (across 1.99, 2.00,) to land on 2,05 -- submitting a bid to back at the modified price of 2.05 not at the unmodified value of 1.98. Such running ahead or behind the market in anticipation of rapid market movement is capable of matching better-value prices depending on circumstances.

Similarly if integer value of minus 5 is keyed by the user into box 'E then if box E (showing 2.05) is leftclicked, a bid will be submitted with Box E price of 2.05 stepped downwards five Betfair-valid basis points: across 2,00, 1.99, 1.98, 1.97 to land on 1.96 as a bid submitted to Betfair.

If boxes A' B' D' F' contain default value of zero or blank without modification by user, then when boxes A, B, D, F are leftlicked no price modification will take place -- submission same as at present. If price modification results in a price above 1000 or below 1.01 then these limit values will be used in bids sent to Betfair.

For any horse only six modification value boxed will be available. Any user nervous about using price modification software change or success in action, can always set the bet confirmation box on, or leave the modification default values unchanged at zero, where no price modification will take place.
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Re: modification of back/lay prices

Postby GaryRussell » Thu Nov 30, 2023 9:35 am

You can already do this with custom columns. There are options to add or subtract ticks from the current odds. Here is an example where I have 3 back columns with +3, +4 and +5 ticks and 3 lays columns with -5, -4 and -3 ticks. Each column has £2 as the stake.

custom_columns.png (72.31 KiB) Viewed 5423 times
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