jockeys silks on api ba

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jockeys silks on api ba

Postby Warwick Hunt » Wed Aug 30, 2006 2:15 pm

everything seems to be ok but silks aint working?

any reason gary/anyone please...thx
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Postby Captain Sensible » Wed Aug 30, 2006 2:55 pm

Warwick the silks info isn't available via the API was basically included as part of the website only.
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Postby Warwick Hunt » Wed Aug 30, 2006 5:50 pm

so laymans terms ..what is advantages on api over normal ba?

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Postby Captain Sensible » Wed Aug 30, 2006 6:07 pm

Generally speed and the fact you can write your own programs to interact with the betfair database direct, customising how you view the info on the page. At the moment you need to go thru loads of pages to find volumes traded, last price matched etc.

Google, ebay etc all have their own API's as it allows people to get the info they actually want rather than pounding the site and slowing them down. I'm sure betfair had hoped the api would've taken off in a different direction than it has. They'd prefer web makers to build access sites linking into betfair to generate more customers and revenue.

For programmers it means they don't have to scrape the site for the info and won't be affected by any changes to the actual website so any code they write will work regardless of any slight web updates.

For betfair it means more cash and the hope people won't slow the site down by making hundreds of requests to gather all the info they need from hitting the website continually.

Realistically for anyone using garys prog it should be an increase in speed over the website as you're not pulling down all the pictures and other useless stuff the site is full of everytime you want fresh prices. The only other advantages are what gary is prepared to program into the prog.
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The strength of Gruss Software is that it’s been designed by one of you, a frustrated sports punter, and then developed by listening to dozens of like-minded enthusiasts.

Gruss is owned and run by brothers Gary and Mark Russell. Gary discovered Betfair in 2004 and soon realised that using bespoke software to place bets was much more efficient than merely placing them through the website.

Gary built his own software and then enhanced its features after trialling it through other Betfair users and reacting to their improvement ideas, something that still happens today.

He started making a small monthly charge so he could work on it full-time and then recruited Mark to help develop the products and Gruss Software was born.

We think it’s the best of its kind and so do a lot of our customers. But you can never stand still in this game and we’ll continue to improve the software if any more great ideas emerge.