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Spreadsheet help

Postby SAUSDOG » Thu Sep 28, 2006 9:57 pm

Hello hope someone can help im looking for a spreadsheet that will log prices of horses in running is this possible.if so can someone help me out.Many thanks.
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Postby Mitch » Thu Sep 28, 2006 11:03 pm

Can you explain a little more about exactly what you want?

Betting Assistant will log an individual horses information.
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Postby SAUSDOG » Thu Sep 28, 2006 11:04 pm

hello mate i would like it to run during a race and record the prices
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Logging in running

Postby JohnMeyer9999 » Fri Sep 29, 2006 2:51 pm

As far as I am aware If you use the log individual price it will logg all the way throught from the tiem you start it till the end of the race including any in-running, then just use some form of filtering to see what the prices were after the race started sio you only have in running prices

i think this right, corrcet me if im wrong anyone
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Postby Mitch » Sat Sep 30, 2006 3:58 pm

Sounds good to me.
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Postby SAUSDOG » Sat Sep 30, 2006 5:35 pm

Thanks for that mate ive got no idea about spreadsheets would what your saying be fairly easy to do i may be able to get someone at work to help me otherwise im buggered
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Postby Mitch » Sat Sep 30, 2006 10:28 pm

You don't have to do anything with Excel apart from open it.

From Betting Assistant choose Excel, then log individual price and choose the sheet to put it in when you want to record an individual runners price.
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Postby SAUSDOG » Sat Sep 30, 2006 10:59 pm

ok cheers mitch i want to record all the runners can it do that
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Postby GeorgeUK » Sat Sep 30, 2006 11:36 pm

I'll have a bash at this.

Open Excel
Rename "Sheet2" to DATA CAPTURE
press ALT + F11
(this will open the VB Editor)
press ALT + I
then ALT + M
(this will open the insert menu and select "module")
paste the folowing code
Code: Select all
Sub odds()
If ActiveSheet.Name <> "Sheet1" Then GoTo 1
Application.OnTime Now() + TimeValue("00:00:01"), "odds"
lastrow = Sheets("DATA CAPTURE").Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row + 1
ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Copy Destination:=Sheets("DATA CAPTURE").Range("A" & lastrow)
End Sub

This will record the data from sheet1 to the Data Capture sheet. To stop the recording, select a sheet other than sheet1

With Excel open, open the betting Assistant and select "excel" from the menu
select log current prices
select a race that you want to record

when the data appears in excel
press ALT+ F8
select the "odds" macro and run it.

that should do it.
previously known as Gaseous (on the betfair forum)
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Postby SAUSDOG » Sun Oct 01, 2006 1:50 pm

Great stuff mate i will give it a go many thanks
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