Help with trigger in Excel relating to BSP

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Help with trigger in Excel relating to BSP

Postby MatGreenaway » Sun Jan 19, 2025 3:19 pm


I am currently testing something, backing certain selections 15 minutes prior then laying at the post time. I manage this fairly easily with a bit of Excel VBA. Also, some times I am laying first and then backing at the post time.

However, I have noticed, I would be more profitable if I just took BSP rather than the post time odds.

My first question is, am I right in thinking that the back odds and lay odds of BSP are the same? Or is the lay BSP slightly higher than the back BSP?

And second question, when I am backing first, if I want it to take the BSP price for my level profit/loss, I imagine I would put in some unrealistic ticks so it is unlikely to match and the BSP will be taken, so could I use BACK-TL50-SP but I read in the guide that the stake is adjusted so the liability is kept the same. Currently, if I back first (£10) and the odds are, say, 3.95 and then at the post time, the lay odds are 3.7, Excel calculates the lay stake as £10.68 so 68p is the profit win or lose. If I was using 50 ticks (so it was less likely to match) then I make that, it would try and seek odds of 2.38 (2.38 is 50 ticks below 3.95) so would it try and do a level stakes lay stake of 2.38 which would be £16.60, but when it is inevitably not matched, it would convert to BSP which might be, say 3.77 for example, if it matched £16.60 at that, I end up with a massive loss if it wins.

Hope all this makes sense!

Many thanks,
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Re: Help with trigger in Excel relating to BSP

Postby alrodopial » Sun Jan 19, 2025 4:14 pm

BSP has one value, same for backers & layers

Trade: Back and then lay at BSP odds, the easiest way to do it is to use as liability for your BSP bet the possible profit from your first bet,
back 10gbp at 4.0, possible profit = (4.0-1)*10 = 30gbp, your liability for the BSP odds will be 30gbp
In the long run your results will not vary much from a level profit/approach
The benefit is that you can place your BSP bet directly after your first bet without waiting/monitoring the race post time/odds movement
the trigger is BACKSP with no odds in odds column or 1.01 as odds (or LAYSP and 1000)

If you want "level" profit/loss you have to wait before off to place your second bet and your stake will be according to your bet's odds movement
TL50 is not needed
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Re: Help with trigger in Excel relating to BSP

Postby MatGreenaway » Sun Jan 19, 2025 5:16 pm

Thanks @Alrodopial - that makes sense. I can do some testing with that info. Thanks again.
Posts: 39
Joined: Tue Jan 26, 2010 3:00 pm

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