BA_Excel_Workbooks.txt question

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BA_Excel_Workbooks.txt question

Postby Happy Harry » Sun Feb 18, 2024 3:13 am

Is it possible to include a search function for a non standard market in the txt file. The need for this is that Betfair Australia have a new Horse Racing Market called "Cash Back 2nd" which is not currently in the list of standard markets able to be saved to the file.

If I look at the detail in the file the market, forth item in the text line for a standard Gallops Horse Race is shown as "All AUS Win Gallops (Horse Racing)".

Doing things manually there is a search function which finds the "Cash Back 2nd" markets no problem. Is it possible to put in something like "Search Cash Back 2nd" and it will find and load the necessary markets? Or is there another way to do this each day?


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Re: BA_Excel_Workbooks.txt question

Postby GaryRussell » Sun Feb 18, 2024 4:47 am

If you are using Excel then I created a trigger for this.

In cell Q2 put AQP:horse+aus+cash_Y_Y
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Re: BA_Excel_Workbooks.txt question

Postby Happy Harry » Sun Feb 18, 2024 1:52 pm

You beauty. Many thanks. It looks like a simple problem but might have a few other uses.

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Re: BA_Excel_Workbooks.txt question

Postby Happy Harry » Wed Mar 06, 2024 6:33 am

Hi there.

Have run into a problem today where alas Betfair Australia had an A vs B market with horse names "Hebrings Cash vs Toi Et Moi". Market loaded and I didnt notice it in the list and unfortunately bets were made that were not intended.

So is the solution to alter the string to AQP:horse+aus+cash+back+2nd_Y_Y ???


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Re: BA_Excel_Workbooks.txt question

Postby GaryRussell » Thu Mar 07, 2024 5:57 am

Yes that is correct.
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Re: BA_Excel_Workbooks.txt question

Postby Happy Harry » Thu Mar 07, 2024 9:12 am

Hello Gary

no mate that is not working although oddly enough I managed to make money on the last market.

What that seems to be doing is adding all markets beyond the first one for the day. So there is no cash back second market on Pinjarra today. But the last race doubled everything up and that string got these mtgs into BA. See the attachment.

So ..... what I need is a string that only loads the Cash Back 2nds. Not a string that seems to load the first market and then some other markets. For tonight Pakenham is the Betfair Market for Cash Back 2nds. The string though is loading Pinjarra as well - refer to the screen shot - .

What Betfair say is this :-

"We normally recommend filtering using a MarketTypeCode (MONEY_BACK_2ND) as matching on a name can cause issues like you’ve raised below.
Hopefully Gruss can advise on the functionality to filter using the MarketTypeCode."

Its close and the last race double up recovered my losses from yesterday more or less so I am not entirely unhappy. But I really do need only the correct markets loading if that is possible please.


mtgs 7.3.2024.JPG
mtgs 7.3.2024.JPG (16.56 KiB) Viewed 4182 times
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Re: BA_Excel_Workbooks.txt question

Postby GaryRussell » Thu Mar 07, 2024 12:03 pm

So ..... what I need is a string that only loads the Cash Back 2nds. Not a string that seems to load the first market and then some other markets.

Sorry I don't quite follow. That string will add every market that contains "cash", "back" and "2nd". Are there markets of this type that are not labelled as such? What are the "some other" markets. Are they markets that did not contain "cash", "back" and "2nd"?

If you use the manual search function is it finding markets that this trigger doesn't?
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Re: BA_Excel_Workbooks.txt question

Postby Happy Harry » Fri Mar 08, 2024 12:56 am

I couldnt figure out what happened either until this morning.

The issue turned out to be that there was some delay on races in West Australia late yesterday afternoon due to no Doctor on course or something and the spreadsheet template I had used included a market refresh macro which puts -3.33 into cell Q2 ..... which loaded the wrong race types. The macro is in there because this spreadsheet was a reuse of my standard sheet which has that capability because particularly BSP forecast prices can be very wrong when races are delayed by large amounts. It was also somewhat difficult to spot because it appeared to only load WA rather than Eastern State races and that was because the delay occurred after all the races except Pakenham and Pinjarra had already finished.

Sorry to have bothered you.

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Re: BA_Excel_Workbooks.txt question

Postby Happy Harry » Mon Mar 11, 2024 9:32 am

Well after those problems another has reared its head.

Would you be able to suggest a string and is able to find all the HorseA v HorseB Aus Markets please.

I tried AQP:horse+aus+ v _Y_Y which almost works except that today we had Morphettville and it picks up all races because of the v.

An example of the specific syntax that I want to be able to separate out is Morphettville (AUS) 11th Mar/ 17:35 Prairie Flower v Dunmaghlas where Prairie Flower and Dunmaghlas are the two horse names.

You will see that I tried spacevspace but that didnt work. Perhaps there is a code that will treat the space as a literal so something like \ v\ where the \ indicates the next character, in this case the space, has to be present before and after the v. Would " v " work? Maybe whatever the underscore is so alt32 perhaps but I am not sure that either will work in a string. And of course there could be a horse called Velvet Violet or something.

Many thanks.


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Re: BA_Excel_Workbooks.txt question

Postby GaryRussell » Tue Mar 12, 2024 3:44 am

I am looking into this.
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Re: BA_Excel_Workbooks.txt question

Postby Happy Harry » Fri Mar 22, 2024 5:56 am

Hi there.

Any update on this please. Today got me again with Townsville racing which means multiple bets because it opens every single market with a "V" in them. So Quinella, Exacta, Normal win, Place ........ and the AvB and tries to bet into them all.

As a thought, is the Quick Pick List in a temporary folder somewhere that can be opened and edited in a text editor?

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Re: BA_Excel_Workbooks.txt question

Postby GaryRussell » Sat Mar 23, 2024 6:53 am

I will be posting a link to an update here shortly. You can enclose text in single quotes to ensure it is all included.

You will able to use AQP:horse+aus+' v '_Y_Y

It's possible to export the quick pick list and import it after editing, but it only contains market ids which probably isn't that convenient for your purposes. Also you can right click to delete a market or use the delete key which would be quicker.
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Re: BA_Excel_Workbooks.txt question

Postby Happy Harry » Sun Mar 24, 2024 1:18 am

Good Morning Gary

thanks for that. Yesterday was interesting because there were 191 markets which got picked up and that totally confused BA because there were up to 6 markets in the list for one race so what happened was that the races did not load on the scheduled trigger time meaning that a number of races didnt load ... and that was not in the AvB excel tab it was in my main betting sheet. That might be I suspect because I use only a single instance of BA but with many different tabs.

After trying all the usual things - reboot - reload - restart - reboot router - phone Betfair to see if the API had an issue, I figured it out. Then shut the AvB sheet down that problem fixed. Then used the search for markets function and manually unticked the markets I didnt want in the list. Then opened the sheet in a new tab with the manually ticked and loaded quick pick markets and it worked perfectly for the rest of the day. BA was happy. Nothing missed and markets loaded exactly as they were supposed to.

So my next question related is that the Search Function has an "Exclude" line but I couldnt figure out how to get rid of markets with for example 4 TBP or Quinella, or all of them. And/or because I can see a more generalized use of this, further extending the functionality of Q2 to accept strings that do both the include and exclude function. I still need to dig deeper to find how to make the exclude line work.

But progress made for sure and while I have to go back and sort out a few races most of it worked more or less and as a bonus as it happened the races that didnt load were all losers anyway.

Just as an aside, the right click and delete is torture and didnt seem to entirely work but that might have been trying to keep up with things. The little QP window does not display enough information.

Finally. Just a Quality of Life suggestion for BA for the future. Having a built in race updating checker which periodically checks market times and also checks whether bets have been placed would be a god send. I often have to update markets in the day and figure out which markets have been delayed for which bets have already been placed. Then do the markets update. Then delete them from the "new" or "updated" QP list the races which have already had bets placed and in the case of BSP bets which can not be cancelled are sitting there so that bets are not duplicated. Skip the races that had no bets already queued as those markets loading again are not going to created duplicate bets.

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Re: BA_Excel_Workbooks.txt question

Postby 2020vision » Sun Mar 24, 2024 1:43 pm

Also you can right click to delete a market or use the delete key which would be quicker.

Another much quicker way to delete multiple markets is to simply hold the ctrl key and mouse left click any and all markets
that you wish to delete, this will highlight selected markets after which you then right click any one of them and they should
all delete at once. Hope this may be of some use or help to you?

All the best - Michael :idea:
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