Version (Beta) is available for download

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Version (Beta) is available for download

Postby GaryRussell » Fri Mar 18, 2011 8:56 am

1. Fixed problem where a triggered stop loss bet does not get placed if the market is changed immediately after it is triggered before the stop loss bet is actually placed.

2. The following additions are included in the COM interface.
Added new COM function: updateBet(ref:String,oldOdds:Double,oldStake:Double,newOdds:Double,newStake:Double,optional exchangeId:Integer). The exchangeId is for UK exchange by default which = 1. Pass a value of 2 for the AUS exchange.
Added new property to COM interface to return application version number. baVersion returns a string, eg. “”
Added new property to BetDetail object. The ProfitAndLoss property returns the P&L if the bet is settled. A negative figure indicates a loss.
To use these new functions you will need to uninstall and re-install BA to register them in Windows.

3. Added jockey silks for Meydan horse racing.

4. Fixed bug where MyBets window sometimes shrinking so that it has to be scrolled even when enough space on screen to display bets without scrolling.

5. When multiple markets are displayed on first tab and the ladder interface is selected it will now always display the ladder as a popup. Replacing the coupon view with the normal ladder interface caused too many issues that cannot easily be solved. Cannot see this being an issue for most users. If the normal ladder interface is required then another tab page can be opened for this.

6. Fixed bug affecting last price matched chart on ladder when multiple markets open. A new last price matched indicator was added to the chart every time the price changed on any market resulting in multiple indicators at the same price.

7. Fixed bug where stop loss bet not placed if initial bet partially matched and becomes fully matched at exactly the same time as stop loss triggered. This scenario is quite rare.

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Gruss is owned and run by brothers Gary and Mark Russell. Gary discovered Betfair in 2004 and soon realised that using bespoke software to place bets was much more efficient than merely placing them through the website.

Gary built his own software and then enhanced its features after trialling it through other Betfair users and reacting to their improvement ideas, something that still happens today.

He started making a small monthly charge so he could work on it full-time and then recruited Mark to help develop the products and Gruss Software was born.

We think it’s the best of its kind and so do a lot of our customers. But you can never stand still in this game and we’ll continue to improve the software if any more great ideas emerge.