Simple question

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Simple question

Postby Des911 » Tue Aug 25, 2009 2:34 pm

Hi all, just started on this excel thing so forgive me.

I've searched this forum and a fair bit on the internet but can't find the answer. What does the $ do in excel and is there a list of all the functions anywhere.

Again, apologies and thanks for any help.
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Postby Yorkie » Tue Aug 25, 2009 3:08 pm

Can't help you with a list of functions, maybe someone else can but the $ i can help with.

Lets say you put the formula in cell AB15 =IF(Z15<=AK13,1,0)

In this formula AK13 is a reference cell.

If I copy cell AB15 to cell AB16 then it would become =IF(Z16<=AK14,1,0)

I don't want this as i want the AK13 to remain constant.
By changing the formula to =IF(Z15<=$AK$13,1,0) when I copy the cell AB15 to AB16 the formula put into cell AB16 is =IF(Z16<=$AK$13,1,0)

I other words it locks that cell into the formula when you copy it to anywhere else.

Did that make sense?.lol
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Postby Des911 » Tue Aug 25, 2009 3:17 pm

Many thanks, that explains it.

What I am looking at is trying to lay the 2nd fav at cetrain odds and I've modified the lay fav spreadsheet, which is under the Sample Triggered Betting Excel Sheets section with the line


and so wondered what the $ sign is for.

Perhaps you could explain the above line for me. I get the if AA5 = 2 (2nd fav - 2nd in the rank) and H5 <2 (odds under 2.0) and LAY but the rest is a mystery.
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Postby KevinTHFC » Tue Aug 25, 2009 7:44 pm


IF AA5=2 AND H5<2 AND F2 is empty AND T5 to T50 are empty THEN put LAY into the cell else BLANK the cell
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Postby mak » Tue Aug 25, 2009 9:12 pm

Hi, if you click in the excel toolbar at the fx (beside where you can write a formula) you can see a list of functions & the syntax

Hope to make sense
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Postby osknows » Tue Aug 25, 2009 9:51 pm

A quick tip which I have found very useful in excel

if you enter into any cell the formula =A1,
Press F4 once and you get =$A$1, twice =A$1, three times =$A1 etc

This works for any part of the formula next to the cursor in the formula bar
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Postby Des911 » Wed Aug 26, 2009 2:47 pm

Thanks for all your help, I know it's simple but we all have to start somewhere :?
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Postby throwmeadisc » Thu Aug 27, 2009 11:12 am

osknows wrote:A quick tip which I have found very useful in excel

if you enter into any cell the formula =A1,
Press F4 once and you get =$A$1, twice =A$1, three times =$A1 etc

This works for any part of the formula next to the cursor in the formula bar

wow, you do learn something everyday!! :wink:

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Postby Norwegian Would » Fri Aug 28, 2009 11:21 am


If you need any books about Excel (pdf files) _
Excel for dummies
Excel 100 tips etc etc........

PM me and I can send you some files to get you started,

I also recommend - Quick ; easy tips.

Good Luck
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