How to automatically 'fire' a back bet "in play"

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Postby fraybentos » Sat Jul 01, 2006 7:47 pm

just to lock a free bet on the horse would be great!!!!!!!!!!!!.

Also changing the topic slightly would it be possible to create a button on the BA interface to back a horse at the live in running prices but triggers a lay bet automatically at half the price at the same time. Also whatever amount is matched to back ,the same amount is layed. This would be excellent!!!!!!!!!!!!! Any offers??????????????
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Postby The Gambling Monkey » Sat Jul 01, 2006 11:25 pm

Try this:

=IF(H5<=O5,"LAY","Not Yet")

I don't know how much excel you know but change the row numbers to match the row of your selection.

It's very basic but should suit your needs. Put the stake in the stake column and the odds you want to get in the odds column.

Note that this will 'fire' whenever the odds reach the level you have set in the ODDS column and not solely in running.

Hope this helps or points you in the right direction,
The Gambling Monkey
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Postby fraybentos » Sun Jul 02, 2006 9:06 pm

Appreciate the reply but i am afraid im not too clever with excel!!!!!! :oops: Does the 05 mean half? If so half of what, because it wont know the back price of what i backed it at. Im sorry im confused.
I want to back a horse manually before the race then put in the same horse at half the price to lay for same amount during race automatically so would the formula read like this?

=IF(H5<=O5,"LAY","Not Yet") but H5 stands for the lay price right, so where do i insert the back price surely that needs to be in the formula so it knows what to half.Should i replace H5 with F5? Also should there not be "in play" inserted somewhere? And what does "Not Yet" mean?

Sorry can you try to explain again? Much appreciated!!

Fraybentos :lol:
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Postby GeorgeUK » Mon Jul 03, 2006 9:08 am

Formula =IF (H5 <= O5 ,"LAY" ,"Not Yet") means

If (value in cell H5 is less than or equal to value in cell O5 , then the cell that this formula is in will display "LAY" , but if this is not true will display "Not Yet")
previously known as Gaseous (on the betfair forum)
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Postby The Gambling Monkey » Mon Jul 03, 2006 10:25 am

Hello Fray,

Look at the picture below:


Does this give you a better idea?

Here you have previously backed Beautiful Madness for £10 at odds of 40.0. You can see your profit is £390 with -£10 as your liability.

The Odds you want to "Lay Back" at you would have put in the Odds column and in this example you have entered 30.0 and likewise the stake you would have entered as 10.

Take some time to figure it out. Excel seems daunting at first but it is easy to learn.

I hope this helps,

The Gambling Monkey
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Postby fraybentos » Mon Jul 03, 2006 1:18 pm

thankyou very much!!!!!!!!!!!!
That makes it much clearer, so if the odds drop to 30 or below in-running the lay will be triggered.
thanx again
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Postby fraybentos » Tue Jul 04, 2006 11:35 pm

what formula would i use if i wanted to lay at half the back price?
thx again for your time.
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Postby the lion » Fri Jul 07, 2006 11:01 pm

To the guy who originally posted this query...

Have you tried 'The Discombobulator'. It is a free program which has an inbuilt bot that does what you want to do... i.e. you can set it to fire a bet if the hoss is winning and the odds drop below a certain level...

Beware though.. It is called the discombobulator 'cos if the hoss falls over at the last minute you will lose yer stake and get discombobulated!

Download it from


P.S. it is actually much more satisfying to 'build your own bot' using Gary's program!
the lion
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