Data Usage using API

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Data Usage using API

Postby Ian » Sun Sep 24, 2006 10:37 am

Had a massive shock on opening my Orange phone bill. The data usage using the API version on my laptop with a 3G data card is about 30 times larger than normal !! It appears that the API version is using around 100 megabytes of data for an afternoon at the races - it was around 5mb using the old IE version. This was using a 5 or 10 sec refresh.

Could you easily surpass ISP download limits at home when using the API version ? A lot have 2 or 4 gig limits.
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Postby bolpx001 » Mon Sep 25, 2006 1:26 am

I think that this may have a lot to do with the jockey’s silks being downloaded. I have not looked at my data usage with the new API system but on the old one it was a big problem. Also much to my surprise turning off the option on Gary’s software or at the betfair site made no difference. My solution, not very elegant was to get a macro program to run automatically from excel and change to refresh rate. Since the new version I have not had time to make the changes necessary. It would be ideal if the refresh rate could be controlled from excel and also only sent text information. Personally I can't see the advantage of having the jockey’s silks but I am sure that there are many that do. At any rate it is an excellent program and my hat is off to Gary – well done
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Postby Ian » Mon Sep 25, 2006 9:16 am

I had the silks turned off on the old version (as well as the API) but never used in a month what I have used in an afternoon.
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Postby monkey » Wed Sep 27, 2006 11:47 am

I also think an excel controled refresh rate would be benificial as I have now 40 bettings tabs running on a Saturday for the football. My only soulution is to to slow the refresh rate to 20 seconds each.
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Postby bolpx001 » Sun Oct 01, 2006 8:39 pm

Hi All
did a little test on Sat 4 tabs open monitoring 4 race meetings used 1002Mb download and 228mb upload. The refresh rate was .5 seconds. My monthly limit is 30720mb so if I run the software as I want, I will use 30060mb leaving the rest of the family 680mb. However I have a macro program which should help a bit when I get round to setting it up again.
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Postby Captain Sensible » Mon Oct 02, 2006 10:56 am

That seems hell of a lot considering each request shouldn't be more than a few kb's - and god knows how you're uploading 228Mb ??? you must be submitting thousands of bets to do that.

I just moved house and ended my AOL contract cos they were useless - thinking of Tiscali but I understand they have usage limits even though they're 'unlimited' anyone have any probs using betfaur trader with tiscali ?
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Postby coolbear » Mon Oct 02, 2006 7:15 pm

Hello all!

I am a relative newbie and am vey grateful to Gary and all you other wonderful and knowledgeable people for sharing your smarts and wit!

I have many questions but the two first are-

A) is there a general help file that would instruct a new user about the niceties of this wonderful application?

B) is there a lexicon of the betting, trading and programming terms you chaps use?

Oh! by the way, can anyone explain to me why I get the following error message when I try to use an emoticon in a message? "Not Found The requested URL /forum/:D was not found on this server." The emoticon does appear in the error message when previewed!

TIA for any help anyone will offer.

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Postby Ian » Tue Oct 03, 2006 4:10 pm

bolpx001 ... are you talking about an Excel macro ? If so, how does that reduce your data usage, because surely it makes no difference whether you use Excel or not ? I think your data usage figures are roughly in line with mine which I think proves that the api version downloads considerably more data than the IE version.
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Postby bolpx001 » Thu Oct 05, 2006 11:13 pm

Hi Ian
No the macro I intend to use is called AutoHotkey and is a free, open-source utility for Windows. It can be found at The plan is to change the refresh rate when during the race and reduce it at other times. I will trigger the macro from excel. I had it running fine before the API change my main problem is time to develop it as I work during racing and really only have the odd Sat.
The test I did, did not involve placing any bests all I did was have BA update my excel spreadsheet. For the record some firms with unlimited usage have it in their small print that they can apply special terms or withdraw service it they want. I had a stand up argument with a sales man that swore holes in rocks that unlimited meant unlimited. Eventually after he consulted the techies in his company he admitted he was wrong and that his company would rather not have my business :(
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Postby GaryRussell » Sun Oct 22, 2006 1:11 pm

The program now uses the 'Get Market Prices Compressed' function to refresh the prices. This should reduce the amount of data being downloaded.
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Postby bolpx001 » Tue Nov 07, 2006 2:56 am

Hi Gary
I think that did the trick my data usage seems to have fallen quite a bit. BTW I did notice the GB/UK thing but I thought that betfair had just changed the name and as I don't get the silks I didn't miss them.
Great work Gary - your softwear is second to none
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Gary built his own software and then enhanced its features after trialling it through other Betfair users and reacting to their improvement ideas, something that still happens today.

He started making a small monthly charge so he could work on it full-time and then recruited Mark to help develop the products and Gruss Software was born.

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