Program not refreshing.

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Program not refreshing.

Postby k92orlando » Wed May 31, 2006 5:57 pm


I have only downloaded the program yesterday, and still familiarising myself with it. However, I have noticed that on a number of times the program does not refresh as it should.

It has actually 'hung' for around 30 seconds before phsically refreshing again. I have also taken a screenshot of the 'actual refresh rate' showing 31141 ms.

Having looked around the forum, I can't find any other mention of this (or similar), so would welcome any suggestions.

(I am using version 0.99o)

Thanks in advance,
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Postby D Splash » Thu Jun 01, 2006 2:12 pm

Assuming you are on broadband, are you using your computer for filesharing or such like, that can cause refresh delays.
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Re: Program not refreshing.

Postby thunderfoot » Thu Jun 01, 2006 2:39 pm

k92orlando wrote:Hi,

I have only downloaded the program yesterday, and still familiarising myself with it. However, I have noticed that on a number of times the program does not refresh as it should.

It has actually 'hung' for around 30 seconds before phsically refreshing again. I have also taken a screenshot of the 'actual refresh rate' showing 31141 ms.

Having looked around the forum, I can't find any other mention of this (or similar), so would welcome any suggestions.

(I am using version 0.99o)

Thanks in advance,


Been using the program for some time and I get exactly the same problem :( . The only way I've been able to get it to 'kick-off' the refresh again, is by closing & re-opening the application. I use broadband (wireless) and am using a Laptop (newish) with 1Gb Ram, so I wouldn't be convinced it's my machine.
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Postby k92orlando » Thu Jun 01, 2006 3:08 pm

Hello, and thanks for the replies.

I am on broadband and there is no file sharing. Regarding closing and re-opening, could be a bit of a problem when it happens in running!

Thanks again,
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Postby motorhead » Thu Jun 01, 2006 6:43 pm

the same problem for me with the 99o version , generally the refresh is 5000 ms, no file sharing, and all seems very slow
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Postby one cool dog » Fri Jun 02, 2006 9:26 am

I am certainly not complain because I am getting this for free and it has been great..........

However, recently, I have taken a couple of largish hits as the refresh does seem to go very slow even on .5

I just go to another race and then click back, as that makes it work. My problem is that I am now not sure when the refresh is working and when it stops. I think this is what has cost me a few big hits recent as I cannot keep an eye on the price movements as I once did.

I cannot use my Betfair on the web at all for in-running, as that is a joke and does not refersh at all unless I click it a million times, by which time the price has moved loads. For me, it seems they are trying to crush in-running betting with upgrades.

The only thought I had, with no brains about the subject, I understand that Betfair accept there are some specialist software out there for backing/laying and endorse some - I could be very wrong here.

Is there any possibility that because this is a free piece of software they do not have any say in, that someone clever at Betfair, seems unlikely given my contact with their customer services in the past, has made special links to authorised software and slowed down/kept the same route for others?

That could be pure rubbish on my behalf, as I am only guessing, but in any case, some thing seems to be crushing in-running in general. And if I am right about some software being authorised by Betfair, I cannot see them being that happy about these stupid delays - thus my conclusions!

Does anyone else here use software like Bet Angel and have problems? That would probably be the only way to tell I guess.
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Postby Captain Sensible » Fri Jun 02, 2006 10:11 am

In running does seem to be a nightmare at the moment - I get so many pending and slow refreshes that I've started looking at the API see if that's any better. Although postings on the forum seem to suggest that's just as bad.
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Postby D Splash » Fri Jun 02, 2006 1:34 pm

It seems odd that some get slow refreshes and others don't. I accept that there may be problems now and again with upgrades from BF causing more than it's fair share.
I get slow refreshes occasionally, i do a full system reset, computer/router/modem and it seems to cure the problem. I also ensure that nothing at all is sharing my bandwidth, keep all my spyware/anti virus up to date. It might also be worth checking out your setup with a performance application to make sure everything is happy.
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Postby one cool dog » Fri Jun 02, 2006 1:58 pm

How do you check sharing bandwidth?
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Postby D Splash » Fri Jun 02, 2006 2:33 pm

I was referring to spyware and suchlike. They can hammer your bandwidth, which under normal internet usage would go unnoticed.

Google 'bandwidth usage checker' . I have just got isp monitor, it's free.
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Postby London_Calling » Tue Jun 06, 2006 8:51 pm

Hi Folks,

I'm finding the refresh rate unpredictable, as well.

I was going to download something to change the refesh rate of my Firefox browser, but, having read this thread, it seems the problem isn't Firefox.

Anyone got this sorted yet ?
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Postby London_Calling » Wed Jun 07, 2006 9:39 pm

Fwiw, I thought I'd mention this:

I currently have two distinct BA's open and I'm recording data in two distinct Excel workbooks. Without any action from me, the workbooks are recording at diff rates, one entering data each second, the other every 3-4-5 seconds.

That's weird.
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